Contact Me

I used this amazing blog blog as a starting point and used my elementary html/css knowledge to edit it. Then, with the help of ChatGPT and good people on StackOverflow, I added some Javascript codes to enable some more features such as window dragging.

Why Windows 98? Apart from the nostalgia of its never-ending start menu, its mind-blowing screen savers, and its Minesweeper that I never learned how to play, this version of Windows is also released the same year I was born. It simply reminds me how far technology has improved just during my lifetime and how lucky I was to live in such an exciting era.

The code is available on my github.


Hey there!

I'm Mahbod and I'm currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Bremen, where I'm pursuing my passion for computational neuroscience.

In recent years, I have been mainly working on spiking neural networks and biologically plausible models of AI. Currently, I am more focused on Computer Vision models such as Vision Transformers, and how to improve such methods, mainly with neurophysical intuitions. In my PhD research, I am studying a framework for networks of stochastically spiking neurons, called Spike-by-Spike (SbS), which is also related to non-negative generative models.




I feel more fluent in Python than in my native language. I mostly use PyTorch and Numpy for my AI projects, and I sometimes use Tensorflow and Keras when no one's watching! Like most people, I would also enjoy playing with Pandas (until it starts to bite you).

I also enjoy exploring different fields with Python, such as web development. I once developed a web application for a company to provide monthly salary reports for employees. For this project, I learned Flask, SQL (MySQL), and No-SQL (MongoDB). Plus, I created a Python framework for Telegram bot development using FastAPI (available somewhere on my Github).



I once saw this blog post: Why We Created Julia , and I couldn't resist learning this language anymore. It is really easy to learn (especially coming from Python) and has some fun features. Julia's support for GPU programming motivated me to develop my master's dissertation in this language, which led to FastSpike.jl, a Spiking Neural Network (SNN) framework with fast simulation time leveraging GPU.

Other Languages

I am also familiar with C++, R, and MATLAB but I'm not so fond of them. I had to learn front-end development a little to make this website. I also wrote some Solidity code for my blockchain course, it was fun.

Personal Interests


I have to say, I'm really fascinated by Blockchain technology. Ever since I first came across it, I could see it was a game-changer. I really think it's one of the smartest inventions of our time, and I'm excited to see how it's going to shake things up in so many different industries – you know, the real ones!

I even had the pleasure of working as a content manager at CarChain, an Iranian start-up focused on blockchain-based ride-hailing. It was a brief but exciting experience that only made me more passionate for this amazing tech.


Whether it's video games, sports, board games, or even gamification of everyday processes, I've always been captivated by the idea of gaming. The concept of designing games, playing them, and even game theory has always been a source of fascination for me. I am pretty sure that someday I will design and develop a game.

Also, I've been really into playing Age of Empires II lately, and I'm always up for a match. So, feel free to challenge me or if you live in Bremen join us on one of our Age of Empires Fridays (just send me a message for more details).

P.S. While writing this part, Github Co-pilot weirdly predicted that I am a fan of "Age of Empires II" out of nowhere. Apparently, humans are not that complicated after all!


Y nada más ¡Hala Madrid!



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